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5-Day Summer Shape Up Promo 2.png

This is a completely F.R.E.E. Bingo Challenge where you can win PRIZES 🏆 while you jumpstart your wellness. Let's have some FUN:


➡️ Simple, Family-Friendly Recipes 🍱


➡️ 20-30 min home or gym workouts including strength, Yolates (yoga/Pilates) and cardio - body weight & dumbbells 💪


➡️ The correct MINDSET for permanent results! 🧠


➡️ Ditch deprivation & enjoy ALL foods in moderation 🍷🍫


➡️ Ongoing FREE supportive community of like-minded women 👯‍♀️

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Hey! I'm Michelle

I have a LOT of experience with extreme diets and too much exercise ruining my health to the point where I was anxious, depressed and almost couldn't have kids. Luckily, I found a better way and now have two beautiful boys.  I'm so passionate about helping other women achieve and MAINTAIN their wellness weight - without all the counterproductive dieting, extreme exercise, stress and suffering so you can live FREE and fit and really elevate your life.

I'm so excited to help you, please feel free to send me a DM for anything you'd like to discuss!

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