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Attn: women who feel frustrated, frumpy and want to find YOU again...

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The Metabolic Momentum Method

Learn how to reset metabolism, shed stubborn inches & fit back into your clothes 
(without cutting out  foods you love 🍷 🍫 )

If you struggle to lose weight, you need to know one important thing…

It’s NOT your fault!

Diets do NOT work for the LONG term.

And women are NOT small men so you need a female-specific approach to balance your hormones so you can lose weight and keep it off - no more yo-yo dieting!

You aren’t the problem. It’s the process. It’s not a one size fits all.

Please watch the video below explaining how having a female-specific approach with a custom blood chemistry analysis is DIFFERENT than anything you've done before!


🔥You will understand exactly what to do to get results, and KEEP them - for good (by the way, you can speed up the video but it is only 12 minutes)  

Check out a few  transformations:

Liz Mingus has been on the yo-yo diet train for years, losing/gaining 60lbs. With The Metabolic Momentum Methodshe finally understands that the strategy was wrong, and how to KEEP her results ⬇️

Monica Sengbusch is a physical therapist and fitness instructor. Through her custom 1-1 program with the MMM, she is now eating more food, doing LESS cardio than ever while sculpting her whole body ⬇️

If you've tried other nutrition & fitness plans and got results that didn't last (or maybe didn't get any results): it's not your fault. 


❌ You were set up to fail because those diets actually SLOW down your metabolism and then cause you to rebound, gaining MORE fat over time!


✔️ You need a nutrition & fitness plan that is custom to you (also based on your actual blood work) so you can optimize your results and stop spinning your wheels


❌ Otherwise you’ll waste time and money trying program after program and carry on believing the lie that you're not smart enough, motivated enough, strong enough… 


Enough is enough already! 


✔️ Let's break the yo-yo cycle by restoring metabolism and rebalancing your hormones so you can find your wellness weight with a proper strategy, system and support....


The Metabolic Momentum Method:


This isn’t another “weight loss program” like all the others you may have tried.


It’s a complete transformational process to help you go from:

Frustrated and Desperate DIETER... 👉

     Calm and Confident WELLNESS CEO 

If you’re bobbin’ your head YES to all of this, imagine what's possible: 

✔️ Discover how to FIRE-UP your metabolism, and enjoy food without guilt and shame

✔️ Understand the different phases of wellness that very few people know about 

✔️ Get excited to get dressed because all your clothes fit (no need for 2 different wardrobes) and no more sucking your tummy in - you can relax and have fun!


✔️ Learn how to leverage your female superpower because women aren't small men, and when we align with your hormones, magical things happen!

​✔️Instead of avoiding all “fattening” foods, you fit in all your favorite “fun” foods ...guilt-free - and you can optimize your training time with effective, efficient metabolic workouts!

✔️ A personalized Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) so you understand EXACTLY what is going on in your body on a cellular level with a custom protocol

You can make this YOUR Reality With The Metabolic Momentum Method! It really is possible for you!

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What really sets The Metabolic Momentum Method apart isn't just understanding how to fuel your metabolism, it's the transformational coaching: knowledge isn’t power until applied.


You get not only 1:1 coaching but also the support of small, personalized group.


You'll have a step-by-step system and support to navigate any hurdles that might come up.


This isn't just me saying "great job!" - this is about pushing you to challenge your limiting beliefs, grow your mindset, and overcome obstacles as you gain confidence to learn how to coach this is the last program you ever need.

The support of myself and others in the community is also to get your through the highs and lows of your journey — those moments when you’re ready to give up.


Those are part of the journey, and that’s when you need the tools to push through, so you can see transformational results.  


But who am I? I'm Michelle: #Boymomof2, 

Founder of Wellness Elevate 

  • Personal Trainer

  • IIN Certified Health Coach

  • Precision Nutrition Coach

  • Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist

  • Yoga/Pilates Instructor

  • Massage Therapist


I have a LOT of experience with failed diets, body dissatisfaction, anxiety and overwhelm but my "healthy eating and exercise plan" was actually working against my metabolism & female hormones. I ended up a hot mess and almost couldn't have kids. 


Luckily I figured out a better way and I can't wait to share it with you!

The Metabolic Momentum Method will be the LAST program you ever need because you will have all the tools to maintain your results, along with and access to my VIP access to the Wellness Elevate app and Momentum Method Academy to:

⚡️ Track your results, healthy habits & have quick access to me!

⚡️Plan simple, healthy meals while saving a ton of money 

⚡️Free up extra hours in the week for personal time, family time, etc

⚡️Effective, efficient and enjoyable metabolic 30-minute workouts you can do from home!

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Some More Success from The Metabolic Momentum Method:

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Ready to Start Working Together?


Step 1: Watch the webinar above to see if The Metabolic Momentum Method sounds like a good fit. The MMM is such a high touch coaching program that does require a commitment on both ends, we want you to be EXCITED!

Step 2: Fill out the application form which is linked on all the buttons on this page.

Step 3: After you submit your application, we will contact you to book your call to cover all the details on enrolling.


Looking for more? I'm excited to cover all the details with you after viewing your application linked below.

After The Metabolic Momentum Method, you’ll have transformed your relationship to food , your body  and the scale.You’ll know how to hit your goals, and exactly what to do to avoid plateaus.


The Momentum Method isn't just a cheap once-a-week check-in with a "coach" who looks at your progress photos and tweaks some macro numbers.

It's an investment not only in the NOW, but the FUTURE: one that will pay dividends for the rest of your life as you transform into the confident, fit woman you deserve to be.


It’s freedom from the desperate dieter prison with that inner mean girl who keeps beating you up, convincing you that you’re the the most empowered BOSS version of you.

Hear  some success stories below ⬇️

Stephanie thought she needed to restrict her calories super low and felt caught in the yo-yo diet cycle: 

Joyce had gained the covid19 lbs and was feeling like nothing was working for her anymore. She had bad menstrual symptoms and felt overwhelmed:

Melissa thought she could never eat pizza and had to workout 2 hours per day to get results. With the MMM, she is eating what she wants and is down 30lbs and still losing!

Tressie has lost 50 inches and 45 lbs now (in the video she was still on her journey) and said that what she has learned in the MMM has made weight loss so EASY - even post menopause, with only small changes to her lifestyle!

Michelle thought she was doing all the "right" things by cutting out carbs and fasting, but she was exhausted & depleted - and gaining weight! Now she fits into her clothes and is enjoying alllll the carbs with no guilt, and keeping her results!

Jen lost 44lbs but more importantly, she made this a lifestyle change and has KEPT OFF the weight for 2.5 years!

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